Software support

We are happy to provide a first class support to our customers worldwide. A valid annual license agreement or support agreement entitles users to all major upgrades and service packs, comprehensive hotline support, access to the latest enhancements, downloads, technical resources, and the ability to participate actively as a member of the global community of QForm users.
Support Includes:

E-mail Support

Users can e-mail questions and problems and these will be answered usually within a 24 hour period. Users are requested to attach a relevant QForm file with brief description of the problem. Where necessary the simulation will be run and an answer returned with comments, corrections or explanation of the situation.
Contact us by e-mail: [email protected]

Software updates

Customer receive advanced notification of all new releases and their contents. The latest version of the software can be downloaded off the ftp site on request.


With all new releases addendum pages on all relevant changes and new features are provided. The latest version of the manuals can be downloaded off the ftp site on request.


Whilst QForm is generally supplied with a large range of forging materials, tool materials, lubricants and equipment, the data for other materials can be provided on request. It is always the users’ responsibility to verify that such data are correct for their product.


We highly appreciate your responce and always are happy to hear from you. Any proposals and suggestions regarding software or services improment are welcome. Just let us know your opinion by e-mail: [email protected]