Participation by QuantorForm, Ltd in Delcam, Plc. Educational Seminar held in Birmingham for the Russian representatives from the South Ural State University
Delcam is one of the world leading suppliers of advanced CADCAM solutions for manufacturing industry. On the 6th of December 2010, at Delcam headquarters a joint seminar concerning the up-to-date methods of preproduction took place. During the seminar the Director for international projects of QuantorForm Ltd. Nikolia Biba reported on "Application of metal forming simulation with the aim to upgrading the technology of production and staff training". The participants of the seminar were representatives of South Ural State University, their visit to the UK having been arranged by Delcam Plc. with the aim to get them acquainted with advanced technologies in innovation and education fields abroad. Taking part in the seminar were Professors and Deans and also the Director of the Techno Park at the University which is included in the top ten leading universities in Russia according to the RF Ministry for Education rating.More about Delcam Plc.: