Forge Fair 2019 on 21-23 May in Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Forge Fair is North America’s largest event dedicated exclusively to the forging industry. More than 1,650 forging professionals from across the globe come to Forge Fair to learn about new products, make purchasing decisions and network with each other.
We will be very glad to see you at our booth 118 and answer all your questions as well as tell you more about numerical simulation of metal forming processes.
Date: 21-23 May 2019
Place: Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Our booth: 118
Together with Forge Technology, Inc. (QForm representative in USA) we will present new version of QForm software during the exhibition.
The latest version of QForm has new features and tools designed to allow users to instantly identify and fix forming defects such as flow through defects and cold shuts that have been difficult to spot with traditional simulation software. QForm’s intuitive workflow structure combined with the fastest network and client server multi-core and multi-task options allows users to very quickly investigate and solve problems to develop new jobs and enhance existing forming technologies without press trials. Advanced computational features like dual mesh method, fully thermally and mechanically coupled simulations, and an extensive selection of damage criteria for different deformed materials and low cycle fatigue tool failure prediction, open the way to accurate and quick analysis and optimization of the most complex metal forming processes. QForm includes specialized modules for ring rolling, extrusion, heat treatment and microstructure evolution prediction for steels, titanium, aluminum and nickel-based alloys.