QForm Webinar in collaboration with ALFED. 12 May 2020

QForm Webinar in collaboration with ALFED
12 May 2020 9.30 am BST time (UK)

Enhancement of Aluminium profiles extrusion technology using the simulation


  1. Welcome from ALFED
  2. Examples of effective use of QForm Extrusion. Comparison of simulation and experiment.
    Mr. Ivan Kniazkin, Leading Engineer, QForm Group
  3. QForm Extrusion. New and coming up features. Microstructure and heat treatment of profiles.
    Dr. Nikolay Biba, Managing Director, Micas Simulations Ltd., QForm Group

Event start: 9.30 am BST time (UK)

Language: English

Duration: 60 min

Platform: Zoom

Participation fee: FREE

Participate in the webinar


