
General metal forming
QForm is a professional engineering software used for simulation, analysis and optimization of metal forming processes providing excellent reliability. It covers the essential needs in metal forming simulation for large and small forging companies as well as research and educational establishments. QForm provides simulation of an entire technological chain and a wide range of possibilities for process analysis.
Profile extrusion
QForm Extrusion is the only extrusion simulation program that calculates material flow fully coupled with the temperature and deformation of the dies taking into consideration distortion of tool surfaces, especially in the bearing area and simulates the material flow through this deformed shape of the die orifice. QForm Extrusion, combined with our QExDD program, provide die design integrated seamlessly with simulation.
Cold forming
QForm Cold Forming is developed specially for simulation of cold forming operations and it helps to optimize material flow, reduce deformation load, predict tool life and produce defect free parts. QForm can handle complex die assemblies so it is possible to optimize complex pre-stressed dies with hard-alloy inserts and tire rings. QForm takes elasto-plastic tool deformations and elasto-plastic workpiece deformations into account with our specially developed models.
Ring and wheel rolling
QForm Ring Rolling is a software specially developed for wheel and ring rolling processes simulation. The program is adapted to use data from modern rolling mill algorithms that significantly simplify the input of initial data required for simulation. Special calculation methods provide quick and accurate prediction of billet deformation with rectangular or shaped cross sections.
Heat treatment
QForm Heat Treatment is intended for predicting of the properties, such as hardness, ultimate strength, phase composition, stress state and the final shape of the detail. QForm makes it possible to estimate thermal stresses and distortion at the heating and cooling of a detail, which allows assessing the probability of cracking and more accurate determining the final shape of forged piece.
QForm Microstructure is a special module for simulation of microstructure evolution during thermomechanical processing of steels, nickel-, titanium-, aluminum-based and other alloys. The module can perform calculation in the process chain with inheritance of calculation results and works for both 2D and 3D problems. The kinetics of recrystallization is described by the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) equation.
Extrusion die design
QForm Extrusion Die Designer (QExDD) is an automated system for 3D design of dies, mandrels and other parts of the tooling set for extrusion of aluminum hollow and solid profiles. This system helps create the solid model of a tooling set step-by-step using special parametric design tools. The user controls the design process by specifying the geometry and basic dimensions of the model.
QKaliber is a CAD system for the development and improvement of rolling processes for long products and section profiles. CAD system QKaliber is based on the analytical methods of the rolling shape design. The mutual work of the design system and simulation program provides solutions to the technological problems in the stages of preparing, adjusting and practical realization of the shape rolling technology.