Olympiad 2024
Congratulations to the winners of the Olympiad-2024!
In 2024, 14 countries, 42 universities, 123 participants took part in the International stage of the Olympiad.
The winners and prize-winners in each section will receive diplomas, souvenirs and valuable gifts:
for 1st place - a prize equivalent in value to 1000 euros;
for 2nd place - a prize equivalent in value to 500 euros;
for 3rd place - a prize equivalent in value to 300 euros;
for the 4th place or special prize - a prize equivalent in value to 200 euros;
for the best work at Rolling section - a prize equivalent in value to 750 euros.
Winners in the Hot Bulk Forging section:
1st place
Samuel Francis Tayler
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
2nd place
Irina Sabirzyanova
Bauman MSTU (Russia)
3rd place
Jakub Długosz
AGH University of Krakow (Poland)
4st place
Dana Honar Ibrahim Yazdeen
Politecnico Di Torino (Italy)
Mohammad Amin Tasharrofi
K. N. Toosi University of Technology (Iran)
Winners in Extrusion section:
1st place
Anastasia Kondrateva
MISIS - University of Science and Technology (Russia)
2nd place
Liu Pengcheng
Central South University (China)
3rd place
Ma Shaokun
Central South University (China)
Special Prize:
Du Thi Kieu Trinh
Hanoi Unviersity of Industry (Vietnam)
Winners in Rolling section:
Best works
Igor Alimov
Bauman MSTU (Russia)
Mihail Shkolnikov
Ural Federal University (Russia)
Special prize
Enis Mumajesi
Politecnico Di Torino (Italy)
Winners' reports:
Educational projects are the foundation of our future. We are glad that the Student Olympiad, which began in 2013, is confidently expanding to include more countries and universities. The contribution of each participant, organizer, and teacher to our shared future cannot be overstated. We thank everyone involved in this event and look forward to further cooperation!
Facts of the Olympiad 2024
1. Students from Hungary have won the Forging section for the fourth year in a row. We heartily congratulate them and look forward to next year's participants.
2. Students from Iran participated in the Olympiad for the first time but showed excellent results. A round of applause!
3. Students of the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) at work.
4. Traditionally, Russia became the leader in quantity of participants. The Olympiad was held on one day at four different venues. In addition to the three sections of the international stage, there were competitions in the Sheet Forging section.
5.Participants from Serbia.
6. Vietnamese students delighted with work in Forging and Extrusion section.
7. Four universities participated in India this year. We thank the organizers and professors for the organization, we know how difficult it is to hold the Olympiad in several venues.
Other participants:
Thanks to all the participants for their interest in simulation and deformation technologies.
We are waiting for you at the next Olympiad!