QForm Seminar. Krakow. 15 February 2018
We are glad to invite all QForm users as well as everybody who is interested in metal forming and profile extrusion simulation to participate in seminar which will take place on 15 February 2018 in AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland.
Overview QForm Seminar. Bucharest. 7 December 2017
About 25 specialists from Romanian industrial and educational organizations showed high interest in metal forming simulation at the event on 7 December.
QForm Forum. Berlin. On 27-29 November 2017
QForm Forum took place on 27-29 November 2017 in Berlin. Participants obtained practical skills in using QForm VX 8.2.4 new features and possibilities and shared their experience with each other. QForm Forum turned out to be warm and interesting.
QForm Seminar. Bucharest. 7 December 2017
We are glad to invite all QForm users as well as everybody who is interested in metal forming simulation from around the world to participate in the seminar which will take place on 7 December 2017 in the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania.
QForm at KSTP Autumn conference on 19-20 October in Korea
Autumn conference organized by Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity took place in Jeju, Korea on 19-20 October. QForm software was presented at the exhibition by our representative in Korea CAE Technology Inc.
Awarding the winners of Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging Technologies 2017 in Bulgaria
Congratulations to Mr. Blagovest Nikolov Zlatev (Technical University of Sofia) for winning 1st place in the National Olympiad in Bulgaria and taking 3rd place in the International Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging Technologies 2017.
Awarding the winners of Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging Technologies 2017 in Romania
Awarding ceremony of Romanian winners of the International Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging Technologies 2017 took place on 20 October 2017 in the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Materials Science and Engineering Faculty.
Awarding the winners of Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging Technologies 2017
First place QForm Olympiad winners Ms. Tatiana Borunova (Russia, Moscow Aviation Institute) and Mr. Nguyen Trung Thuc (Vietnam, Le Quy Don Technical University) were awarded with powerful laptops for simulations. All Olympiad participants got certificates of QForm specialists.
QForm in England. Presentation at ICTP 2017
International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity is one of the biggest events in the field of metal forming science. This year it took place in Cambridge, England on 18-21 September.
International Forgemasters Meeting in Austria
IFM 2017 took place on 11-14 September 2017 at the Congress Graz in Graz, Austria. The conference is focused on the status and future development of the open die forging industry. More than 124 presentations were shown during the event.

